Hello Readers,
So sorry for the long silence. I've been busy helping to organize my Church's Christmas service which turned out to be a blast!
In honour of the Season, I've decided to share with you a collaborative piece I co-wrote as a script for the service.
In the beginning God spoke the Word and all creation came into being (John 1:4) but when man fell out of fellowship with Him, God needed to re-create man through His Word to restore our relationship. So He spoke that Word and it became flesh in the womb of Mary, the process of bringing His Light into our darkness began. The true light was he who came into the world to enlighten every man. His Life brought Light to all men, it became the Light to live by, thus making His birth is so significant.
So God's gift to all men is Salvation through the birth of His Son 2000 years ago. But these days, men do not celebrate this great gift of Redemption. These days they celebrate merriment, sales of seasonal celebratory items, gift giving, feasting, partying and self. They've forgotten that Jesus is the reason for the season.
If that is the case, and Jesus is the reason for the season, what role does Santa Claus play and why are is he part of this season? Jesus Christ is the gift from God that keeps on giving. The gifts Santa gives are tangible but it's Christ who gives the intangible gifts of life that can save the soul and change a life. Santa Clause is man's attempt to deny Christ but in all honesty, he only wants to remind the world of the Ultimate gift given to humanity. The free gift of Salvation.