Friday, April 28, 2017


From the name of my blog, I’m sure you’ve expected to hear me talk extensively about relationships and other matters. But when you look through my blog posts and the categories I write on, it seems the latter has taken over the former. That’s not really the case. I’m no expert on relationships because to understand them, you must understand human behaviour, the fact that everyone is different and their expression of love varies. So rather than write on the subject of love, I decided to write about my love for issues like movies, writing/books, the state of my nation, caring for animals, etc.

So today, I’ll put a bit on that topic: Love.

What is love?
I am not going to philosophise and tell you what I’ve read in a book. The chances are that you’ve read that book too. Lol. So this is straight from Me to You.
Love is a nature, one characterised by caring, giving, sharing, selflessness, patience and all the awesome virtues that are above our comprehension. It is also a conscious decision to hold someone in high regard while expressing all those virtues and deep emotions to him/her.

Is love forever?
That’s a bit tricky. The nature of love is eternal but how we choose to embrace it is conditional. If we do not decide to embody love at all times, the chances are that we would soon find ourselves out of love. Hence the prevalence of the heart-breaking/confusing phrase, “I love you, but I’m not in love with you.”

What’s falling in love?
I believe it is the process of loving someone. It’s not infatuation which presents itself as love at first sight or sexual lust which is only finding someone sexually attractive. Love is more subtle than that. It sneaks up on you. Everything the person does end up making you feel drawn to them in an inexplicable way, leaving you wanting the best for them even if it means not being with you.

Can you love more than one person at a time?
Yes! Oops, I can hear the sirens going off and some people about to chew my head off. The truth is as unique as everyone is, there is someone else out there who is just like you (character wise); but due to different factors that influence their mentality in the course of their upbringing, they tend to be slightly different from you. And if a particular character trait is what draws you to someone and you find someone else who shares the same traits, chances are you will fall in love with them too.

So how can we stay true to loving one person?
I’m glad you asked. Once again, love has to be a conscious decision. You have to settle it within yourself that for the long haul, this is who you want to spend the rest of your life with. Then you have to choose to look no further. Don’t focus on the faults of the one you love while looking at the strengths of another who bears the same character traits. Compliment the one you love, help their inadequacies and work to see them become better persons because of you in their lives.

Love is a complex phenomenon.

Do you have a contrary opinion to the above questions? Please share in the comment section, let’s learn together.

It has been ages since I used this blog to write anything. This doesn't mean I haven't been writing. But rather, I have been writing...