Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Motherhood has been quite engaging. My reading has suffered a bit but as one who loves to read, I just have to make out time to read a bit of something every day. Since a lot of you really enjoyed my first book review post, I decided to share this piece with you about the different ways to keep up with reading or shall I say the different things I indulge in to ensure I’m always reading. Here goes:

1. Manga - there are so many Japanese comics out there with great mixtures of genres which are released weekly like Bleach, One Piece, Freezing, Death note, etc. Although most of these are translated into anime, reading the comics online keeps you ahead of anime watchers in terms of catching up with the storyline. My favourites at the moment are Fairytail (which I’m like 3 episodes behind) and Naruto/Naruto Shippuden.

2. Audiobooks – recently I had the opportunity to download a free e-book by one of my favourite authors, Ted Dekker and I stumbled upon a link to the audio book. I downloaded but since my concentration was low, I never got past the first chapter for the first 3 weeks it was in my possession. One day, I determined in my mind that I would go the distance and in less than an hour I was through with the book and hungry for more. I would recommend this medium for book lovers who barely have time to read either hard or softcopy books. The book I read this way was titled Identity (the first book in the trilogy called Eyes Wide Open).

3. E-books – most books are now being converted into electronic versions as the world becomes more and more of a global village via the internet. The great part of this medium is the books are mostly free, featuring copies of the book that authors want general feedback on before going ahead to financially invest in Hardcopy production. To enjoy reading these books, its best to have an ebook reader, tab or a smartphone that allows you view pdf files on the go (sitting on your laptop can be a bore sometimes). You can also convert them to Word or Rich text format that can be accessed by your phones. The E-book I’m supposed to be reading is To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee but I just got For Days and a Night by Seun Odukoya which is much smaller in size.

4. Hardcopy books – for those of you like me who prefer to hold the book in your hand, this is your thing. Keep buying it even if it seems you’ve run out of storage space and do exchange them with other book lovers when you are done with them. That way you keep reading more genres and more work by other authors be it fiction or non-fiction, hard or paperback books. The hardback book I’m reading now is Illusion by Frank Peretti given to me by a book loving friend.

5. Online Articles, Blog posts, E-zines, etc. – usually of varying length, these tend to cover a variety of subject matter that create diversity in your reading life. I try to read at least one online article be it a link to a blog or news piece every day mostly using my Blackberry. Sometimes I would go to certain sites like to read one article and end up reading like four or five pieces. Another way to access these is through twitter, most news agencies, magazines owners or bloggers tweet links to different articles. If you haven’t read any fiction piece I’ve written, check out this story I guest wrote on OTDamilola’s blog on rape You can also follow my thoughts on current issues on my facebookpage

Whatever you do, no matter the circumstances you find yourself, readaholics always keep on reading.

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It has been ages since I used this blog to write anything. This doesn't mean I haven't been writing. But rather, I have been writing...