Monday, July 7, 2014

Half of the year gone already?!

I'm tired of apologizing for my writing inconsistencies lately so I won't because there's no excuse for my seeming laziness with my blogging. once again like everyone else i'm shocked how quickly 6months have gone by in relation to all the things i planned to accomplish this year. i decided rather than write on the obvious, i'll share a word of encouragement from my pastor (preached at the beginning of this year) on how it's never too late to START.

A million thanks to my friend Charles who created this brief pictorial summary of the sermon.


  1. Love the pictorial representation, can't be easily forgotten. The beginning of months and years were created by man. God's calender for is different for each individual and so any day can be a fresh start for any body.

  2. I love the infographics. Well done!

    1. Your comment has inspired me to consider using more self designed infographics especially with the tip from thanks.

  3. This is definitely a word for me at this moment. Starting afresh can be hard, but it is possible. And often very necessary. Thanks.

  4. Thanks peeps. I will work more on creating infographic blog posts.


It has been ages since I used this blog to write anything. This doesn't mean I haven't been writing. But rather, I have been writing...