Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Hello 2015

Hello, Happy New Year.

The year started a bit slow and has been picking up momentum ever since. So sorry for my extended silence, I owe my faithful readers who have been checking up on me regularly even when I don’t post in a while. I promise to repent in 2015 *big grin*. With everyone becoming a life strategist, telling you how you should live your life and what to do about New Year resolutions, I decided to sit still and be quiet. I want to try envisioning the year and life from a different perspective. So here is what I came up with on Facebook just a few hours before the New Year about how I intend to take on 2015.

“It’s one thing to not have goals or plans for 2015; it's quite another to not have a vision for 2015. God wants us to have a vision for our lives. Having a vision gives us a drive, a sense of fulfillment and makes living a joy even when all situations around us look hopeless.

As we cross over to 2015, nothing really changes unless we choose to make things change. We are change agents and the drive that pushes us to desire the change that we eventually create is vision.

Don't live your life without a vision. Dream, dream big, trust God and watch your visions come to life. He said in Joel that the young men shall see visions. We are young. Don't just see things (goals, plans, achievement), have a vision. Speak things to life, use the creative power at work in you to create a picture of the future you want and keep hope alive. Have a vision.”

Pretty neat huh?

That’s my plan, to focus on my vision for 2015, the bigger picture, rather than the goals to get there. For me, focusing so hard on the goals for some years now has not yielded the results I need (especially when I fall short). So, while I’ve been silent, I’ve been reading Arrow of God by Chinua Achebe, Avonome by Xavier Ighorodje (comic) and Rich Dad Poor Dad’s practical take on Resolutions and how to accomplish them. I’ve also been mourning a dear relative whose death came as a shock to us all as we were unaware of any previous health issues (medicine calls such cases acute) and I’ve responded to an interview by chukzbooks – feel free to check it out.

So this is me signing out and saying welcome to a queer 2015 for Ann Esievoadje.

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It has been ages since I used this blog to write anything. This doesn't mean I haven't been writing. But rather, I have been writing...